Ronn Hall

Ronn Hall City Council
 As your council member, I have worked hard to  help create new jobs, protected local taxes, fixed infrastructure and roads, update local parks, and have made public safety a top priority.

Your issues remain important to me.  I will continue to answer your phone calls, respond to emails, and meet with you personally when requested to meet your concerns.

I’m enthusiastic to continue to serve as your council member until 2026. Because of your support, I can continue my dedication to my council duties and to the regional responsibilities. I work on the Metropolitan Transit Board to help transit needs in East County.  I look forward to working with my colleagues on the council and members of the community.

COVID is finally past us, however, it put a wrench in  the new movie theater complex as many movie theatres went bankrupt.  This and many our local projects are a priority requested by Santee residents. This has not detoured us from working to make sure these dreams come true. We have recently established the “Art’s District”, a new concept on bringing unique selection of businesses to our city.   I am dedicated to working to provide a great future for Santee, we have a lot of work ahead of us, but we can only accomplish our goals if we work together.

Serving Santee

Ronn Hall

As we head out of COVID, Santee was able to survive with little social and economic impact.  As your council member, I have worked hard to  help create new jobs, protected local taxes, fixed infrastructure, updated local parks, and have made public safety a top priority.  Your issues remain important to me.  I will continue to answer your phone calls, respond to emails, being accessible on social media, and meeting with you personally when requested to meet your concerns.

I’m enthusiastic to continue to serve as your council member. Because of your support, I can continue my dedication to my council duties and to the regional responsibilities. I work on the Metropolitan Transit Board to help transit needs in East County.  I look forward to working with my colleagues on the council and members of the community. COVID put a wrench in  the new movie theater complex and other local projects requested by Santee residents. However, it has not detoured us from working to make sure these dreams come true.  I am dedicated to working with you to provide a great future for Santee, we have a lot of work ahead of us but we can only accomplish our goals if we work together.

I am working with Mayor John Minto, fellow council members, state, federal, and other agencies to develop a “Real Fix to the 52”!   SANDAG has presented that they will work to fix the 52 in the year 2035 and again in 2050. We are frankly not believing or accepting these dates!  Mayor Minto, and the Santee City Council, started the “Highway 52 Coalition”  to move these dates up to a more reasonable time period. Please click the link to find out how you can help us in this venture to fix the  52.

As a longtime Santee business owner, former Chamber of Commerce President and board member, Rotarian, Community Volunteer, and Council Member, I embrace and encourage the philosophy of “Live, Work, Shop, and Play in Santee.”  After all Santee is where East County Shops!  To prove this Santee Just adopted the motto “Do More Due East”.

Public opinion has elevated Santee to a higher stature. It is now viewed by many as one of the best run East County Cities.  Join me and Santee citizens as we proactively keep our city on the best track!

Ronn Hall

Santee District Two

What You Expect From Santee Government


As your elected City of Santee Council Member, my mission is to listen to your concerns and needs then follow up to your complete satisfaction whenever possible. My emphasis has been to make sure our City is listening and responding to you.

When I ran I walked many homes in the city asking two simple questions, what needs to be improved with the city and what would you like to see in the future?  I was pleasantly surprised to see most people were overall happy with our great city.

Most of the concerns were traffic and the need for a new movie theater.  As for the traffic, The Mayor, and I are constantly working on the main concern of the backup on Highway 52.  Our goal is to find a “Real Fix” to the 52.


As a Council Member it’s our vision to set the direction to make our city, family lifestyle, and overall lives better for us and our children.

Our parks are second to none, our reserves are about 20% of our budget, and new businesses are coming into Santee at a great rate, this is partly due to a low crime rate, and a household income that is 7th in the County of San Diego. Be it a pothole, messy neighbor, or the bus services in Santee.  If you ask a question, you deserve a timely and responsive answer.

The days are over when government doesn’t respond to your needs. I’ve made a point to be responsive quickly to your phone calls or emails concerning subjects like Castlerock/Weston, substandard housing, homelessness, local infrastructure, or helping a local business to get solutions.


Safety is one of the prime reasons for government, Santee has a long record of safe streets.  It’s up to us to ensure this standard keeps going in the correct direction. I have worked with the Fire Fighters and Sheriffs to ensure Santee is safe.

We now monitor Facebook, Nextdoor, and many other social networks to look for possible illegal or questionable activities in our city so the sheriff’s department can focus on those crime areas.

The Santee Fire Department has recently upgraded their fire trucks, ambulances, radios, and aerial firefighting to bring in the long-lasting equipment to ensure a safe Santee.

You might identify the new trucks, they are now red by the choice of the firefighters. I’m happy to ensure we have the most qualified personnel, so when you call we have a fast and effective outcome.

Contact Ronn

9 + 12 =

Ronn Hall for Santee City Council District 2 2026
Santee District 2
Santee, CA 92071
FPPC#  1449418